Having celebrated the launch of our debut cigar line in Como, it was only right we returned there with our latest additions: the Blecos, Media Coronas and Tiburones.
Cuban Cigars Blog by EGM Cigars
When we talk about pure tobacco, there’s much to be understood about its beneficial properties. In order to build a better future, we first need to go back to its origins.
A firm favourite of our audience is the EGM Bleco. We break down exactly what makes this cigar so special...
The 2023 edition of Sotheby's Realty France Rally, hosted by Alexander Kraft, was nothing short of spectacular. Castles, Cars and Art de Vivre, EGM Cigars were on hand to provide...
A day in the city, like a fine cigar, is something to be savoured. Short yet packed full of flavour, the EGM Cigars Collection is the perfect accompaniment...
For aficionados who may be pressed for time but still yearn for rich smoke and aroma, short cigars offer the perfect solution. Here are five top picks in the market.