Por Larranaga are one of the oldest Cuban Cigar brands, having been established around 1834. The modern portfolio comprises only 4 regular production cigars, of which the Petit Corona is probably the most well-known. This particular vitola is 5” by 42RG, allowing for around 35-40 minutes of smoking pleasure. The blend is light-to-medium in strength, all hand-made and all long filler.
From the moment these cigars catch your eye they are appealing; the distinctive all-gold bands of Por Larranaga glinting out from a cabinet of 50 cigars and the aromas of the tobacco filling the air. The light caramel colour of the claro wrappers matches the band perfectly and speak of what will surely be a delightful cigar.
The Por Larranaga Petit Corona accompanied by a Sado gin Negroni.
Construction: 10/10
- This cigar was perfectly made; smooth, claro wrapper with no blemish or mark, the perfect spring to the touch and even filling all the way along. A real treat, and a good sign of what was to come.
Draw: 9/10
- As would be expected from such a well-built cigar, the draw was near impeccable. No effort was needed to take a satisfying puff.
Combustion: 9/10
- Again, near flawless. A slight uneven burn began to appear in the middle section of the cigar but as the smoke progressed the wrapper balanced itself out with no need for correction with a lighter.
Ash: 4/5
- The ash was a dark grey colour and held on well to the end of the cigar, dropping off with minimal effort.
Smoke: 5/5
- Magnificent plumes of aromatic and flavourful smoke flowed through this cigar from the outset until the end.
Flavour: 24/25
- The light flavoured blend of Por Larranaga was on full display in this cigar. The beginning brought sweetness, with almost grassy notes detectable, which was the perfect foil for the Sado gin Negroni paired with it. Sado, which has been developed by friend of EGM and renowned cigar expert Adam Lajca, uses Japanese Hojicha tea as one of its botanicals and produces a Negroni which is the perfect pairing for this cigar as an aperitif.
Overall: 32/35
- The Por Larranaga Petit Corona was a treat from start to finish. Its light flavour means it will work equally well alongside a lunchtime coffee or a pre-dinner cocktail.
The Por Larranaga Petit Corona will serve as the perfect aperitif.
- An excellent showing from this fine cigar. From the sweetness of the first third, the flavours developed into a smooth vanilla cream. As the cigar gently smoked down the flavour deepened, bringing a touch of oak and cedar wood into the final third. A truly excellent cigar from a truly underrated brand.