There is something inherently elegant about Cuban cigars presented in a long, slim format. From the iconic Cohiba Lancero to lesser-known treats like the Por Larrañaga Monte Carlo, a long panatella is a throwback to a bygone age of style and sophistication. Images of people like Roger Moore – who insisted his James Bond be the first to smoke cigars, and demanded an unlimited supply as part of his rider – and even Fidel himself gently sipping smoke from a slender Havana puro have enthralled us for years. The Montecristo Especial No. 2 is a fine example of this exquisite family of vitolas.
The Especial No 2 is rolled in the Laguito No 2 shape, measuring 6 inches by 38 ring gauge and sporting the signature pigtail cap of Cuba’s most revered factory. It is medium-full bodied, lasts for around an hour and will allow you to channel your inner Thomas Crown for its duration.
Construction: 10/10
- First impressions of this cigar were impressive: a smooth colorado wrapper, perfectly-formed twist to the cap and perfect spring to the touch along the body.
Draw: 7/10
- The first third of the cigar was a little tough to draw, making me work for every puff. Not enough to say it was plugged, and relaxing fairly quickly so the rest of the smoke was no trouble at all, but a touch disappointing nonetheless.
Combustion: 10/10
- The burn throughout was excellent, dead-straight and never requiring assistance.
Ash: 5/5
- Ash was solid, light grey and stayed together remarkably well even when in the ashtray.
Smoke: 3/5
- Again, a touch disappointing in the first third, as it was not as plentiful as I would have liked. As the draw relaxed, however, the volumes of smoke improved along with it.
Flavour: 21/25
- Even when the smoke was sparse at the beginning, the flavours were impressive. Warm, robust and fairly powerful notes, full of richness and character.
Overall: 30/35
- This style of cigar is a favourite of mine, and I looked forward to this review for a while. The experience was thoroughly enjoyable, even with the initial issues waiting for the stick to warm up in the first third. Had it performed as well at the outset as it did through the subsequent 2 thirds, this cigar would have rivalled the best I have smoked this year.
Final Score: 86/100
- Snipping the pigtail cap from a cigar of this shape always puts me in a good mood, and, despite the initially stubborn draw, this Montecristo Especial No 2 was no exception. The first third had pungent flavours of raw Columbian espresso, intertwined with an opulent leather aroma that slowly filled the room and coated my palette. Entering the middle third this leather disappeared, but the coffee developed further and was now backed up by a slight black pepper tingle to the aftertaste. The pepper intensified as the cigar slowly moved into its final phase, eventually acting as a spicy foil to tangy, bittersweet dark chocolate notes which appeared to round off the hour. A delicious smoke.