Continuing with our Cuban Cigar Classics theme, we take a better look at the Montecristo No. 2 Cigar for sale on our website. This is a classic of all Montecristo Cuban cigars because of its quintessential flavours and story. Let’s get to know one of the best cigars online a little better.
The Montecristo No. 2 Cigar has fans from all over the world, making it one of the most popular Regular Production cigars online and one that is in constant demand. Matthew DeBord, journalist at Business Insider UK, sings its praises in his article describing it as ‘one of the truly great Cuban cigars’.
Origin: | Cuban |
Manufactured: | Hand made |
Flavour: | Medium to full |
Length: | 156 |
Vitola de galera: | Piramides |
Ring: | 52 |
We think it enriches the experience to know about the brand before you buy Cuban cigars, because not only do you understand its origins, but you can appreciate its journey.
The Montecristo brand has a younger history than many other classic brands, including Punch cigars and H.Upmann cigars. Nevertheless, it’s one that is still very impressive.
In the hot balmy summer of 1935, Alonso Menendez bought the Cuban Particulares factory in Cuba and following in the footsteps of the manager at Romeo y Julieta cigars renamed the brand by taking inspiration from much-admired literature. Menendez nostalgically and romantically took the name of the torcedors’ favourite book, which legend has it that cigar rollers would enjoy listening to a lector whilst they worked and the most voted for was The Count of Monte Cristo.
Just one year later, due to the brand’s ever-growing success, Menendez expanded and bought the H.Upmann factory where he moved the production to. When the Cuban Revolution began, Menendez left to the Canary Islands as did many other private cigar entrepreneurs. Initially he tried to re-establish the brand but like many others was unable to. Fortunately, the brand was luckier when Menendez tried again in the Dominican Republic where the brand would now ship to the USA. Many believe the new Dominican Republic cigars are not as well made as the Cuban ones. We obviously agree.
During the 1970s and 80s, Montecristo made its name as one of the country’s flagship brands, increasing in quality and popularity over the years. To this day, the brand has successfully positioned itself as the most popular cigar brands worldwide. The Montecristo No. 4 Cigar is perhaps the biggest selling cigars on the market and the Montecristo Especial No.2 is a point of reference when talking about the very best produced cigars.
The Montecristo Portfolio began as just one cigar in five different sizes, including the No. 1, No.2, No.3, No. 4 and the Montecristo No. 5 cigars.
During Castro’s revolution, the portfolio fell stagnant and released only one change which was a cedar lined tube. When Manuel Gonzalez, one of Cuba’s master torcedors resurrected the brand with major releases and new productions. Gonzalez expanded the portfolio with five new cigars, the Especial No.1, No.2 and others like the B. Some have come and gone, but some have also proven to be very popular amongst aficionados.
Before the brand's most recent update to the line with 2017's Montecristo Linea 1935 cigars, was the very much adored Open series aimed at adventurers and active individuals. We have all four of the cigars released in this series, including the Montecristo Open Eagle for sale, Regatta, Junior and Master. As you can see, their names are inspired by sports such as golfing, rowing and yachting. In addition to this the brand released the Montecristo 80th Anniversary cigar which is very much adored by our customers.
We love the brand and it’s one we always return for classic Cuban cigars. Shop them on our website now and tell us what your favourite cigar is in the comments below!