Cuban cigars come in many shapes and sizes, and occasionally they have their own special presentation as well. The Romeo y Julieta Cedros DeLuxe range is a fine example – a handful of corona-size vitolas wrapped in a protective cedar sheath. Like Fonseca cigars and their delicate tissue wrap, the cedar shields the wrapper from any accidental nicks and tears while adding a distinctive look to the cigar. As an added bonus, the cedar can be set alight once removed and used to light the cigar itself, adding a nice retro touch to the experience.
The Cedros DeLuxe No2 measures 42 ring gauge by 5 ⅝ inches long – fairly traditional for a corona cigar – and will smoke for around 30 minutes.
Elegant cedar sheaths protect the wrapper leaves.
Construction: 9/10
- There were one or 2 sunspots on the wrapper of this cigar, which is not uncommon but does distract from the aesthetic a little. The initial presentation, in that printed cedar sleeve, is quirky and handsome.
Draw: 9/10
- Took a moment to warm up, but then drew wonderfully. No issues after a slightly tight first centimetre.
Combustion: 10/10
- The burn was even and gentle, never needing assistance.
A decent silvery ash formed at the foot of the cigar.
Ash: 4/5
- Light grey in colour, looked a little flaky but never fell off. Held on to the foot of the cigar until gently rolled into the ashtray.
Smoke: 5/5
- Started thin, but quickly built up into impressive clouds of silvery smoke, coating the palette and filling the terrace.
Flavour: 19/25
- There is a nice range of flavours usually associated with Romeo y Julieta, and many were in evidence here, but the cedar note imparted by the sheath was the guest star at the beginning. After the initial third other notes came to the fore, and a decent flavour profile emerged.
Overall: 30/35
- The unusual presentation of these cigars is a nice touch, and the flavours they bring are enjoyable. To some the addition of the cedar sleeve may seem a touch gimmick-y, but I find it rather charming, and the quality of Romeo y Julieta does not suffer for the novelty.
This was a fine afternoon smoke.
Final Score: 86/100
- I have to admit I like the aesthetic of the cedar cover, and it does make the cigar seem a little more special. It clearly serves practical purpose as well – surprisingly robust to the touch, it won’t ward off damage like a tubos, but is much more than the flimsy decoration of the Fonseca method. There can be no escaping, however, the clear effect on the flavour of the stick. For much of the first third the most prominent, if not only, note was the cedar itself. This is a very pleasant flavour, but perhaps a bit less complex than we are used to getting from a Cuban cigar. By the middle third the cedar had calmed down, but not disappeared, and was joined by delicious buttery shortbread. The end of the cigar brought a little spice, mixed with rich bread and still underpinned by a sweet tang from the wood. All things considered, a worthy afternoon smoke.