Cuban Cigars Blog by EGM Cigars

Tobacco leaves

Spotlight: The Ageing Process

As with our favourite wines and whiskies, the most delicious things are usually aged/fermented to give them their fantastic flavours. Tobacco is no different. In light of some of the...

Tobacco farm

Spotlight: The Cultivation of Tobacco

Cigar aficionados rejoice, Pinar del Río is harvesting the finest tobacco leaves in the world just as you are reading this blog post! Reports from the best tobacco growing province...

Tobacco leaves

Spotlight: Tobacco Leaves

A box of cigars to the untrained eye can look as if all of the Cuban Cigars are in uniform. Not only do their bands all match, but their shape...

Cuban tobacco figs

Spotlight: How Tobacco Is Grown In Cuba

As specialists in Cuban Cigars, EGM Cigars thought it was only right that we write a blog post about how tobacco is grown in Cuba and how the country cultivates...

Limited edition Cuban cigars for sale, Cohiba 2014 online

Cuban Limited Editions: A History Lesson

In this blog post, we’re going to be giving our readers a little insight into the wonderful world of Habanos SA’s, Limited Edition Series. Since the year 2000, Habanos SA...