Cuban Cigars Blog by EGM Cigars

fashion meets cuban cigars designer humidors egm cigars

Fashion Meets Cuban Cigars: Designer Humidors

The ritual of smoking Cuban Cigars is not simply associated with the pleasure of the smoke. It's a celebration of the senses and a symbol of lifestyle. From cigar legend Winston Churchill...

xiv amigos de partagas day three egm cigars

XIV Amigos de Partagas: Day Three

The last day of Amigos de Partagas, the most popular Cuban Cigars event in Europe, was more than we could ever imagine. After a late finish to La Gozadera at approximately...

XIV Amigos de Partagas: Day Two egm cigars

XIV Amigos de Partagas: Day Two

Day Two of XIV Amigos de Partagas was as lively and fun as Day One, if not more. After waking up at the beautiful countryside villa of Casa Rastia, we grabbed...