Relatively little is written about those who create our Cuban cigars, when compared to the volumes of prose on the cigars themselves. If ever attention is paid to these artisans, it usually will focus on the torcedores who roll each stick. Their ability to combine the tobacco and deliver the flavour profiles we all love so much is not inconsiderable, but homage should also be paid to the women and men who grow the plants themselves. They are los vegueros; artisans in their own right, whose knowledge has been passed down through several generations and whose expertise should be well admired. Habanos SA felt the same, so in 1997 launched Vegueros as a brand, named to honour the people charged with tending Cuba’s most precious crop.
In 2013 all vitolas in the Vegueros line were scrapped and 3 new ones chosen to replace them, one of which was the Vegueros Tapados. The cigar measures 46 ring gauge by 4 ¾ inches – known, rather brilliantly, as a Mareva Gruesa in the factory – and smokes for around 40 minutes.
Construction: 8/10
- There was a bit of a grainy texture to the wrapper, but a good fill all the way along. No blemishes or sun-spots to spoil the look of the stick.
Draw: 9/10
- There were a couple moments where some effort was required, but nothing too significant.
Combustion: 6/10
- Some fairly significant ‘canoeing’ took place for most of the smoke, which refused to right itself despite regular correction from a lighter.
Ash: 5/5
- Although lopsided, the ash was a bright white colour and held on pretty firmly.
Smoke: 4/5
- The moments of troublesome draw led to moments of sparse smoke, but overall there was plenty.
Flavour: 22/25
- A full strength blend which is packed with flavour. Rich, warm notes abound with a Vegueros cigar, and I would happily smoke this with a tea at lunch or after a long meal in the evening.
Overall: 29/35
- This cigar was let down a little by the construction, but was by no means a disappointment. The affordability of Vegueros is magnificent, and the flavours they deliver well worth their modest price tag. When the build matches the taste, these cigars are excellent.
Overall: 83/100
- This Tapados began brightly, with a rich sweetness mingling with flavours of nature: light cedar wood, fresh grass and gentle floral flavours all appeared in the first third. As the cigar developed, so did the annoying wonky burn, but the flavour development made up for it. All the initial freshness faded to be replaced with warm wood. Cedar was still in evidence, as was rich oak, and hints of cinnamon began to tingle on the edges of the palette. The final third saw a marked uplift in power, with the wood flavours intensifying and the cinnamon giving way to a powerful pepper spice. I paired this cigar with a robust black tea, and enjoyed every minute of it. At such a low price, these are an ideal everyday smoke.