Wednesday was absolutely packed with activities and because of this we were unfortunately unable to keep our promise to our readers and not able to give a daily blog post...
Wednesday was absolutely packed with activities and because of this we were unfortunately unable to keep our promise to our readers and not able to give a daily blog post...
Photo by Gotanero (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)], via Wikimedia Commons. After a busy first day networking with fellow Cuban cigar enthusiasts, revelling in the lively atmosphere of the...
EGM Cigars were lucky enough to be invited to the Festival de Habano in Havana, Cuba this year and will be giving you, our readers, the most exclusive insight...
As with our favourite wines and whiskies, the most delicious things are usually aged/fermented to give them their fantastic flavours. Tobacco is no different. In light of some of the...
Cigar aficionados rejoice, Pinar del Río is harvesting the finest tobacco leaves in the world just as you are reading this blog post! Reports from the best tobacco growing province...