Thick Cuban Cigars have been rising in popularity over the years - and it shows no signs of stopping. It’s hard to imagine that about a decade or two ago,...
Cuban Cigars Blog by EGM Cigars
Today is a very special day aficionados. Today is the day that we celebrate our love to the thing that gets us out of bed in the morning. The thing...
To our delight, the EGM Cigars blog has reached over 100,000 views! Since we started our blog in January of 2018, we have managed to rack up a portfolio of articles about all...
Today marks the premiere of a long, anticipated film release. That film is Martin Scorsese’s latest motion picture: ‘The Irishman’. The Hollywood-star line-up is more than enough to convince you that you...
You have probably heard among expert cigar aficionados that ageing Cuban cigars significantly improves your cigar - but is it true? Before you find out, it is essential to distinguish...
The world of Cuban cigars is so vast; we can imagine that it may be daunting for people who are wanting to start out. No one should be held back by fear...