We stock a variety of tubed Cigars online from a number of premium brands, including Montecristo Cuban Cigars, Cohiba Cuban Cigars and Bolivar Cigars. First time buyers and even regular cigar smokers are still unsure how to store Tubos Cigars and there seems to be a cloud of enigma surrounding them. This blog post is going to clarify a few things about this and answer a couple of your questions about our Cuban Cigars online which are stored in this wondrous and perplexing device.
Why are some Cigars tubed?
Aluminium tubes are very much an integral part to the Cuban Cigar scene in Havana. It takes its place alongside the bands, the labelled boxes, the deluxe cabinets and the sophisticated Humidors.
The Tube was invented in 1933 by the former president of the H. Upmann Factory, Waldo Bradden. His idea for tubed cigars was born out of the need to distribute and sell cigars more widely, which he realised would often damage the cigars. Therefore, he designed and developed the very first aluminium tube to guarantee the cigar’s condition would stay intact and was always protected. Tubo Cigars are still very popular today and Simon Chase from the ‘Cigar Journal’ reports that ‘just over 40% of all the Havana cigars sold were in tubes’ in 2016, which we think makes for a very interesting percentage. We currently have the Punch Coronations en Tubos Cigar for sale online and you can also buy the Bolivars Tubos No.2 Cigar with us, which both feature the unique and shielding aluminium casing.
To this day this purpose remains, but with marketing developments, this type of packaging is also considered an advertising device. So as well as providing protection from external elements, the tube also looks eye-catching to the potential buyer. Are you drawn into packaging when you buy cigars online or is it what’s inside that counts to you?
How should you store a tubo cigar?
In our honest opinion it really does depend on what you want from that particular cigar, which for every person is very different. We are going to give you a few examples which might answer some of your questions.
Do you want to smoke it in the next few years?
Usually when you buy Cuban Cigars and you want to age it for a few years you will put it in the humidor to allow the aromas to develop and mature. If your Cuban cigar is packaged in a tube, we recommended removing it from the case and placing it unwrapped in the humidor, as this will decrease the time it will take to develop, meaning you’ll be able to smoke it sooner. Wahoo!
Do you want to store a whole box of tubos cigars?
If you’re lucky enough to have a whole box of Tubos Cigars, we highly recommend experimenting and figuring out for yourself how you would like to store them. See it as an opportunity to play with flavours. For example, you might store the opened and un-tubed cigars and let them mature in the box whilst you keep the other half in their tubes to see how they compare. We expect you’ll find some very established differences in aroma and flavours, despite them being from the same production batch.
Do you want to age your cigars (for more than ten years)?
If this is the aim of the game, we definitely recommend leaving the cigars in the aluminium tubes, unopened. This is because this form of storage will slow the evaporation of essential oils and ammonia over the years and will produce distinctive, incomparable aromas which you will not come across very often.
One common misconception about aluminium tubed cigars is that they are kept at optimal humidity conditions whilst closed, which is certainly not the case, so it’s always best to place a Tubos in a humidor if you’re not planning on smoking it in the next few days.
We think tubed Cigars are an excellent addition to any humidor. This is because we appreciate the brand’s presence when we see them in our own; because we think they make lovely gifts to loved ones; because they are very practical for on-the-go smokes; and because they provide excellent storage conditions whilst in distribution, in store and in your home.
Check out our Tubos Cigars online, we currently have the Cohiba Siglo V Cigar for sale and the popular Partagas Serie E No. 2 Cigar available to buy.
How do you store your Tubos Cigars? We’d love to know, get in contact via our email: info@egmcigars.com, Instagram or comment in the section below.
Congrats for the post. Very nice.